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and team

As the projects reach is broad, both geographically and in activity, there are governance and roles in place:


Steering group:


The role of the Steering Group is to provide strategic direction, decision-making and leadership to
ensure the Partnership:


  • Supports the global expert community and citizen participation in providing insight to policymakers.

  • Demonstrates how evidence application and research, combined with citizen engagement, identifies benefits and sets priorities.

The Steering Group includes senior representatives from all partner countries.


Research team:

Ipsos and Ricardo are jointly managing the research and project management, overseen by the UK Government Department for Business, Energy, and Industrial Strategy (BEIS).

Ipsos: Ipsos is an international independent research organisation. On this project they are leading the project management, strategic leadership, communications and legacy, and citizen engagement.

Ricardo: Ricardo is an environmental consultancy at the forefront of international work on climate
change, including national and sub-national climate action planning. Ricardo is leading on coordination with policymakers and scientific experts to arrange expert net zero studies in partner countries.

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